2013. május 16., csütörtök

Logalyze Installation

I've installed the the Logalyzer on Debian Linux 7.1 64bit  by the followings:

Required packages:
apt-get install -y jbossas4 libapache2-mod-jk libjetty-java  libapache2-mod-jk openjdk-6-jdk

Delete the cache:
apt-get clean

Download the installer:
cd /usr/src
wget http://www.logalyze.com/downloads/finish/2-installer/20-logalyze-full-package-tar-gz-archive -P .
tar xzvf 20-logalyze-full-package-tar-gz-archive
cd logalyze/conf
Configure the Logalyze:
 rename 's/\.sample$//' *.sample
Not the best but works:
echo -e "\n\nexport JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64/ \n" >> ../bin/setenv.sh

Start the stuff:
cd /usr/src/logalyze/bin/
cd /usr/src/logalyze/admin/bin/

Shutdown the service:
cd /usr/src/logalyze/bin/
cd ../admin/bin/
Open the browser
Username: admin

4 megjegyzés:

  1. Please replace Graylog2 by LOGalyze in first section.

  2. Hi I want to install logalyze and I tried ur way but not working
    Please help me to get it done.
    When I am accesing server from browser it shows jetty page only

  3. Hi

    I've modified the package list. you do not have to install jetty but libjetty-java
